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BullionStar is one of the world’s premier precious metals bullion dealers. We are always open to synergistic business opportunities & relationships in the precious metals arena, and there may be investment opportunities for sophisticated investors. Please contact us if you are interested in such opportunities.

BullionStar is a privately held company that is audited by an independent, licensed auditor that is based in Singapore. We regularly share our financial statistics with the public, including potential shareholders and investors. Of course, we never share our individual customers’ information or data because it is our policy to protect their privacy to the greatest degree possible.

BullionStar is profitable and in a strong financial position, with ample liquidity and capital to meet the expected surge in precious metals demand over coming years, and to ride out the coming tumultuous era that we expect in the global economy and financial markets.

BullionStar's Sales Revenue, 2019 - 2024


BullionStar’s Financial Statistics

We publish our key financial statistics each year in the interest of transparency. Click here to access our past financial reports.

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