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Investing 101

Gold & Silver Investing 101

Gold & Silver Investing 101 covers the essentials of saving and
investing in physical precious metals. Learn all you need to know
to begin investing in gold & silver.

An Introduction to Precious Metals Investing

An Introduction to Precious Metals Investing

With over six thousand years of history, gold and silver are some of humanity's first and most elementary investments, and long predate modern financial assets such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, and cryptocurrencies. Unlike today's most popular investments that are increasingly dominated by speculators who buy and sell over very short timeframes, physical gold and silver have always been the best forms of money and long-term stores of value. Despite their long history and simplicity, many people today are unfamiliar with gold and silver investing or where to even begin. In this article, we will teach you everything you need to know to get started as a physical precious metals investor.

Which Precious Metal Should I Invest In?

Which Precious Metal Should I Invest In?

Chemically speaking, gold, silver, and platinum are all precious metals, but each one has fairly different physical properties as well as supply and demand characteristics. Those differences often create unique price trends that result in the three metals having relatively low correlations with each other in addition to having low correlations with stocks and bonds. Precious metals help to improve traditional investment portfolios by reducing their volatility and boosting their risk-adjusted returns. Stocks and bonds are sensitive to economic cycles, so the different assets complement each other by zigging while the others are zagging, to put it in layman’s terms.

Should I Invest in Gold & Silver Bars or Coins?

Should I Invest in Gold & Silver Bars or Coins?

One of the most common questions that precious metals investors of all experience levels ask is “should I invest in bullion bars or coins?” That is a very good question that we will address in detail in this article. The short answer is that both bars and coins are great options for those looking to invest in gold and silver, and the two are not mutually exclusive. Many astute precious metals investors acquire a mix of both kinds of bullion and appreciate each kind for its unique qualities. Ultimately, the decision is a matter of personal preference, but we hope to provide you with valuable information so that you can make the best choice possible.

What is the Best Way to Store Gold & Silver Bullion

What is the Best Way to Store Gold & Silver Bullion

When investing in physical precious metals, one of the most important considerations is how and where to safely store them. Like other valuables with high value-to-weight ratios, gold and silver bullion should be stored in a way that prevents them from being stolen, lost, or damaged by a fire or natural disasters. In this article, we will introduce BullionStar’s cutting-edge vaulting service that allows precious metals investors to store their bullion in our highly-secure vaults located in multiple countries — the United States, Singapore, and New Zealand — for maximum geographic and jurisdictional diversification.

No matter which BullionStar location you choose to store your bullion in, they all adhere to the most advanced and cutting-edge security practices to keep your hard-earned investments as safe and secure as possible. All of our vaults are built to meet and exceed industry standards for vault construction and use multiple redundant security systems to keep the vaults under constant surveillance. In addition, our vaults are guarded at all times by highly trained security teams.

Here Are Different Ways to Invest in Precious Metals

Here Are Different Ways to Invest in Precious Metals

People who are looking to invest in precious metals are presented with a mind-boggling number of choices in this day and age including physical gold and silver bullion, mining stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and derivatives such as futures & options. Over the past couple of decades, there has been an explosion in the number of financial products that are designed to track the price of gold and silver. For most of history, however, physical bullion was the only way to invest in precious metals, which certainly made it easier to choose. In this article, we will discuss the different ways to invest in gold and silver and help you to decide which is the best option for you.

Precious Metals Investing FAQs

Precious Metals Investing FAQs

What is Money? What Are Its Characteristics?
Money is a medium of exchange used by humans to facilitate the buying and selling of goods and services. Before the advent of money, humans relied on bartering, which was inefficient and required a double coincidence of needs in order for a transaction to successfully occur. The advent of money enabled societies to become much more prosperous and sophisticated than was possible under the barter system alone.

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