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Storing Bullion in BullionStar’s United States Vault

Our vault is located in Texas, which is one of the most precious metals-friendly states in America.

Here are some of the benefits of buying and storing your gold and silver in BullionStar’s U.S. vault:

  • No Bullion Sales Taxes: neither the United States nor the state of Texas levy sales taxes on bullion products.
  • Favorable Laws & Regulations: the state of Texas has some of the most pro-precious metals laws and regulations in the whole country, not to mention the whole world.
  • Protection of Individual Rights: the recognition and protection of individual rights and private property were major reasons why the United States was founded in the first place and Texas has stayed true to those beliefs more than most other states.
  • A Rich History: precious metals have a long and rich history as money and stores of value in the United States. The U.S. dollar was even backed by gold until 1971. The United States Mint has long produced coins made from precious metals and still does to this day.
  • The Global Financial Center: The U.S. dollar is the closest thing to a universal currency and is the world’s most widely held reserve currency.

Read more about storing bullion in BullionStar’s U.S. vault

Read more about storing bullion in BullionStar’s Singapore vault

Read more about storing bullion in BullionStar’s New Zealand vault

For Additional Information:

Tax-Free Precious Metals

BullionStar’s Vault Storage Fees

BullionStar’s Bullion Audit Procedures & Policies

BullionStar’s Vault Insurance Procedures & Policies

How We Allocate Bullion in Our Vaults

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